
Pray With Us

Pray for wisdom, discernment and for guidance for the boards in both Kenya and the USA.  Pray for sustenance and for provision of resources.  Pray for a vision that goes beyond the current year and for leadership direction that will see the ministry grow and serve more widows and orphans.  Pray for the missionary, Elizabeth, and the board to stay prayerful and in tune with the Spirit of God in making decisions that are fair and just.  Pray for unity in the board for the families that are served under Child Arise.  Pray for the selected children that are under the leadership of Child Arise. Pray for their upkeep and for their safety and educational and social needs.  Pray that these children will soon return to their villages and assume leadership responsibilities and desire to make their hometowns a better place and to have compassion on others.  Pray that the giving spirit will be reciprocated by the recipients of this need and that Jesus will transform their lives to His Glory.  Pray for continued vision for the Kenyan team and for self-sustenance in the years to come.  Pray for the completion of the feeding center and for a new direction on the location of the center.

How You Can Pray


Pray for the Orphans supported by Child Arise.


Pray for the Widows supported by Child Arise.


Pray for a quick resolution and for justice to be served (The Feeding Center project) - Re-building.


Pray for the provision of (250 Bibles in the Local Language, Masks & Sanitizers, Books & Pencils/Reading Glasses) - Requested by the Kenya team.


Pray for wisdom, safety and provision for the visiting USA team in July.


Pray for the provision of tickets for some of our members.


Contact us for more details and specifics on prayer.

Individual Prayer Request


Pray for the widow’s prayer group that meet each week. Pray for the provision of basic needs like food, water and clothing. Pray for their safety as they take care of the grand children and other orphans left under their care. Pray for the provision of reading glasses and for Kiswahili or Kamba Bibles. Pray for Bibles to be available in cassettes for easy listening and comprehension.


Pray for the administrative needs of the organization in Kenya and for the volunteers who give their time and talent to manage the teams.


Pray for the provision of a Vehicle (SUV) that is suitable to the terrain.


Pray for more international staff and for the Lord to call into ministry more men and women to the region in a long-term basis.


Pray for provision for the upcoming mission trip to the region next year.


Pray for the girls’ education and the mentors who counsel and guide them in their youth.