Where does my donation go?

100% of ALL donations go to Kenya!
Check out what you donation goes towards here!


Donations can be made to:

Child Arise – USA
P.O. Box 192 Osco, IL 61274

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are my gifts tax deductible?

Any cash gifts (check, money order or credit card) or non-cash gifts (which could include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, securities, real estate and insurance) to the ministries of Child Arise that are designated for ministry purposes are tax-deductible, as allowed by law.

Q: Can I be sure my gift will be used as intended?

Receipting of funds contributed to Child Arise will be acknowledged and used as intended. We leave much of the decisions to the local board and trust them to honor donor requests.

Your receipt will reflect your designation. Gifts for a project will be used with the understanding that in the event the project is over-funded or unable to be completed for reasons beyond our control, gifts will be used for similar, board-approved projects both in the USA and in Kenya.

Q: How will my gifts be receipted?

Gifts are processed and a receipt mailed to you for tax credit purposes. Your receipt will provide you with a year-to-date total of your giving and indicate whether gifts were tax-deductible or not, in accordance with federal tax laws. These receipts are sent out at the end of the year.

Q: What happens with my personal information?

Child Arise- USA is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell, trade, or rent your personal information. The information you provide will be used to keep you current on the ministries and projects of Child Arise.

Q: Are there transaction fees on donations made by credit cards?

Credit card gifts incur no fee. There will be no transaction fee deducted from your credit card gifts. 100% of your gift goes to the ministry and staff are paid by Child Arise.

Q: How does World Team handle financial accountability?

Child Arise has an annual independent financial audit both in the USA and in Kenya.